the Facebook Ads
As you continue to create ads and learn about what works best for you, we are providing you with 5 tips to help you optimize your ads on Facebook! We encourage you to use them for continued success in 2010:
1. Pull reports about your ads. Reports show you detailed demographic information and provide insights about what kinds of users are interacting with your ads. They may also show likes and interests of users, and you may find new keywords you should be using to target users.
2. Remember to frequently visit your Ads Manager to make sure your bid is within the suggested bid range. The suggested bid range you see when creating your ads is based o n the bids that are currently winning the ad auction for the users you've chosen to target. This bid range will fluctuate over time as the pool of competing ads changes. You want to make sure that your bid is within the suggested bid range so it’s reaching the most relevant users.
3. Monitor your campaigns and budgets. It’s easy to forget how many campaigns you currently have running, and what budget you have selected for each of them. Visit your Ads Manager to check up on this so you maximize your spend! You have the ability to change your daily budget for any of your campaigns at any time.
4. Increase your conversion rate by choosing a clear and simple destination page. Make sure that the site you are advertising is easy to navigate and that it presents information clearly. If you are promoting a product or event, feature it prominently on your site so users are able to click on it right away.
5. Take notice of the ads that seem to be receiving more clicks or impressions than others. Simply changing your image or ad title will make the ad appear new to users. If you see impressions or clicks declining, refresh your ad more often to ensure that your ads don’t become stale.
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Ad Account Settings
In order for us to better assist you with specialized optimizations for your ads, we recommend selecting your industry on your Ad Account Settings. here to choose yours! or
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