
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari 17, 2010



Lowongan Kerja

Silahkan Baca FREE! berikan komentar anda yang terbaik akan kami berikan Hadiah! Job Matches from Direct Employers - 22 January 2010 Translator/Interpreter PT Vira Trading Mining Industry Jakarta Raya 1 yr exp Job Code: EBGPH To apply via SMS, type JSA APPLY and send to 9333 ( more ) ob Alert: My LiNa Job Matches [ Edit Profile ] Specialization: Top Management, Human Resources, Journalist/Editors, Law/Legal Services, Others Position Level: Fresh / Entry Level, Junior Executive Years Of Experience: 0 - 1 year(s) Field Of Study: Engineering (Civil)

the Facebook Ads

Silahkan Baca FREE! berikan komentar anda yang terbaik akan kami berikan Hadiah! Announcement and Updates As you continue to create ads and learn about what works best for you, we are providing you with 5 tips to help you optimize your ads on Facebook! We encourage you to use them for continued success in 2010: 1. Pull reports about your ads. Reports show you detailed demographic information and provide insights about what kinds of users are interacting with your ads. They may also show likes and interests of users, and you may find new keywords you should be using to target users. 2. Remember to frequently visit your Ads Manager to make sure your bid is within the suggested bid range. The suggested bid range you see when creating your ads is based o n the bids that are currently winning the ad auction for the users you've chosen to target. This bid range will fluctuate over time as the pool of competing ads changes. You want to make sure that your bid is within the suggested bid r...

SFI To-Do List t

perlu Anda ketahui, SFI baru-baru ini mengadakan kegiatan minimal persyaratan untuk afiliasinya, didefinisikan sebagai minimum 500 VersaPoints setiap 60 hari. Saat ini,jika Anda kekurangan 500 poin. Jika Anda tidak memiliki poin yang dibutuhkan di akhir bulan, affiliateship SFI Anda akan dibatalkan dan semua arahan pribadi Anda akan secara otomatis menggulung ke sponsor (atau lainnya anggota upline aktif). Untuk memperoleh 500 poin yang Anda butuhkan saat ini, hanya melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang tercantum pada SFI To-Do List terletak pada homepage d i: Catatan! Keanggotaan Anda tidak terpengaruh. Namun, jika Anda mengizinkan Anda untuk affiliateship SFI penyimpangan, penangguhan komisi atau dana lain yang Anda miliki di account Anda akan ditransfer ke rekening Anggota TripleClicks A nda. kami tak ingin kehilangan Anda sebagai afiliasi SFI, karena ada beberapa perkembangan berlangsung sangat menarik seperti E-Commerce program Associates yang m...

website Anda pada halaman pertama Google

Silahkan Baca FREE! berikan komentar anda yang terbaik akan kami berikan Hadiah! Beberapa orang tidak percaya: kita dapat menjamin bahwa website Anda akan ditemukan di reguler (berbayar) atas 10 hasil di Google untuk kata kunci pilihan Anda. Memang benar dan hal itu bisa dilakukan dengan IBP. Bagaimana kita bisa menjamin peringkat 10 besar di Google dan apa yang menangkap? Banyak orang akan mengatakan bahwa tidak mungkin untuk menjamin atas 10 peringkat di Google . Itu benar. Tidak ada yang bisa menjamin peringkat top 10 kecuali insinyur Google. Namun, perangkat kami IBP memiliki tingkat keberhasilan lebih dari 98% dan kami akan memberikan uang Anda kembali jika Anda menjadi milik segelintir orang yang tidak mendapatkan ranking top 10 di Google dengan IBP. Watch the video Bagaimana cara kerjanya secara detail? 1. Anda memilih kata kunci dan mesin pencari Anda kirim IBP untuk kata kunci yang Anda ingin mendapatkan posisi atas 10 dan Anda memilih mesin pencari yang Anda ingin memilik...

your website on Google's first page

Some people don't believe it: we can guarantee that your website will be found in the regular (unpaid) top 10 results on Google for the keywords of your choice. It is true and it can be done with IBP. How can we guarantee top 10 rankings on Google and what's the catch? Many people will tell you that it is not possible to guarantee top 10 rankings on Google. That is correct. No one can guarantee top 10 rankings except for Google's engineers. However, our tool IBP has a success rate of more than 98% and we will give you your money back if you belong to the very few people who don't get top 10 rankings on Google with IBP. Watch the video How does it work in detail? 1. You choose the keyword and the search engine You tell IBP for which keyword you want to get a top 10 position and you choose the search engine on which you want to have a top 10 position. This can be,, many other local Google variations as well as Yahoo, Bing, their local variation...

$25 free advertising included

Boost Sales from New Search Avenues This Year ($25 free advertising included) Go beyond conventional search engine advertising and explore a host of new search avenues that are constantly emerging in the web world. Supplement the tried-and-tested medium of search engine advertising with our diverse network of 2,000+ properties, which includes shopping sites, local sites, directories, classifieds, blogs, direct navigation pages (parked domains), toolbars, video sites and social media. Our network of sites ensures that your ads attract targeted eyeballs from a plethora of online users, shoppers and surfers of varied types, personalities with wide-ranging needs, ALL IN ONE GO. Your business needs this potent mix of both worlds — the established and the contemporary. Sign up for a free account.